Game scenario (#172/40952) "Двойной брутфорс" (
Pass to a level:  #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #18, #19, #20, #21, #22, #23, #24, #25, #26, #27, #28, #29, #30, #31, #32, #33, #34, #35, #36, #37, #38, #39, #40, #41, #42, #43, #44, #45, #46, #47, #48, #49, #50, #51, #52
Level #1
Autopass: in 3 minutes

Task for all
Добрый вечер.

В игре вас ожидают 50 уровней +2 заглушки.
В каждом уровне Вам надо отгадать по 2 предмета.
Автопереход между уровнями 2мин.

До конца заглушки Вы еще можете получить бонус в размере 3 часов отправив 2 енота на id 1398340

Удачной игры!

Level #2
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
снеговик - for all
Sector 2
кость - for all
косточка - for all

Level #3
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
зонт - for all
зонтик - for all
Sector 2
пуговица - for all

Level #4
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
знак - for all
дорожный знак - for all
Sector 2
кепка - for all
шапка - for all
козырка - for all
фуражка - for all
кепи - for all
кепарик - for all
кепарь - for all

Level #5
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
зажигалка - for all
Sector 2
шлем - for all
каска - for all

Level #6
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
звезда - for all
звездочка - for all
морская звезда - for all
Sector 2
бутылка - for all

Level #7
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
бабочка - for all
Sector 2
письмо - for all
конверт - for all

Level #8
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
паравоз - for all
паравозик - for all
локомотив - for all
дуплекс - for all
Sector 2
мяч - for all
мячик - for all

Level #9
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
сердце - for all
сердечко - for all
Sector 2
телефон - for all
звонилка - for all

Level #10
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
зеркало - for all
Sector 2
пистолет - for all
ствол - for all
волына - for all
револьвер - for all
кольт - for all
наган - for all
маузер - for all

Level #11
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
аквариум - for all
Sector 2
корона - for all

Level #12
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
флаг - for all
флажок - for all
американский флаг - for all
флаг америки - for all
Sector 2
наушники - for all
гарнитура - for all

Level #13
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
стрекоза - for all
Sector 2
удочка - for all
снасть - for all
уда - for all

Level #14
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
барабан - for all
Sector 2
бинокль - for all
двуглака - for all

Level #15
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
замок - for all
замочек - for all
Sector 2
бочка - for all

Level #16
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
танк - for all
танчик - for all
Sector 2
морковь - for all
морковка - for all

Level #17
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
медведь - for all
Sector 2
ключ - for all
гаечный ключ - for all

Level #18
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
лестница - for all
стремянка - for all
Sector 2
ручка - for all
карандаш - for all
маркер - for all

Level #19
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
скворечник - for all
скворечня - for all
синичник - for all
мансарда - for all
Sector 2
забор - for all
ограда - for all
ограждение - for all

Level #20
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
динамит - for all
взрывчатка - for all
тнт - for all
Sector 2
кольцо - for all
колечко - for all

Level #21
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
радуга - for all
Sector 2
фонтан - for all

Level #22
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
очки - for all
Sector 2
попугай - for all

Level #23
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
кровать - for all
кроватка - for all
Sector 2
тапок - for all
тапки - for all
тапочек - for all
тапочки - for all
шлепки - for all
шлёпки - for all
шлепок - for all
сланец - for all
сланцы - for all

Level #24
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
череп - for all
черепок - for all
черепушка - for all
Sector 2
крыса - for all
мышь - for all
мышка - for all

Level #25
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
нимб - for all
ореол - for all
сияние - for all
Sector 2
пингвин - for all

Level #26
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
ножницы - for all
Sector 2
фен - for all

Level #27
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
дверь - for all
дверца - for all
Sector 2
крест - for all
крестик - for all

Level #28
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
кружка - for all
стакан - for all
чашка - for all
Sector 2
тарелка - for all
блюдце - for all

Level #29
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
ремень - for all
бляха - for all
бляшка - for all
Sector 2
ящик - for all

Level #30
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
луна - for all
месяц - for all
Sector 2
обезьяна - for all
макака - for all
мартышка - for all
шимпанзе - for all

Level #31
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
самолет - for all
Sector 2
ошейник - for all

Level #32
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
кактус - for all
Sector 2
колонка - for all
динамик - for all

Level #33
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
телевизор - for all
тв - for all
Sector 2
стул - for all
стульчик - for all

Level #34
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
сережка - for all
серьга - for all
клипса - for all
Sector 2
унитаз - for all
сортир - for all
толчок - for all
туалет - for all

Level #35
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
клетка - for all
Sector 2
тату - for all
татуировка - for all
татушка - for all
татуха - for all

Level #36
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
диск - for all
диски - for all
болванка - for all
Sector 2
кот - for all
кошка - for all
котэ - for all
котейка - for all

Level #37
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
череп - for all
черепок - for all
Sector 2
свеча - for all
свечка - for all

Level #38
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
паутина - for all
паутинка - for all
Sector 2
кисть - for all
кисточка - for all
кисточки - for all

Level #39
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
лампа - for all
лампочка - for all
Sector 2
пальма - for all

Level #40
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
лягушка - for all
жаба - for all
Sector 2
перо - for all
перышко - for all
пёрышко - for all

Level #41
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
утка - for all
уточка - for all
утенок - for all
утёнок - for all
Sector 2
мыло - for all

Level #42
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
часы - for all
будильник - for all
часики - for all
Sector 2
кран - for all
смеситель - for all

Level #43
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
собака - for all
пес - for all
псина - for all
собачка - for all
Sector 2
шарф - for all
шарфик - for all
кашне - for all
палантин - for all
удавка - for all

Level #44
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
галстук - for all
удавка - for all
Sector 2
клавиатура - for all
клава - for all

Level #45
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
гриб - for all
грибок - for all
мухомор - for all
Sector 2
кастрюля - for all
сотейник - for all
кастрюлька - for all

Level #46
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
поднос - for all
разнос - for all
Sector 2
свеча - for all
свечка - for all

Level #47
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
капуста - for all
кочан - for all
Sector 2
лук - for all
луковица - for all

Level #48
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
верблюд - for all
Sector 2
змея - for all
змейка - for all

Level #49
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
журнал - for all
газета - for all
Sector 2
расческа - for all
гребень - for all
гребенка - for all
гребёнка - for all

Level #50
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
пульт - for all
пульт управления - for all
лентяйка - for all
Sector 2
пепельница - for all

Level #51
Autopass: in 2 minutes

Task for all

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete all sectors)
Sector 1
лиса - for all
лис - for all
лисица - for all
лисичка - for all
Sector 2
батарея - for all
радиатор - for all

Level #52
Autopass: in 10 minutes

Task for all