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10/28/2021 9:57:52 PM
Информационный телеграм канал
Сделали канал в телеграм, где будет только важная техническая информация о проекте Encounter.
Вступайте сами и сообщите игрокам и авторам вашего домена.

News Arhive >>>
Encounter - international network of urban games

Encounter is a new concept of entertainment. It is not just a way of spending your time but also, first of all, a chance to develop your skills and abilities.

Combat, Points, GeoCaching - all these game formats give you an opportunity to become the central figure of a real adventure, plunge into the world of puzzles and secrets. It is a chance to discover new and unknown possibilities and resources inside you. PhotoHunt, Competition - make you discover your taste of creativity, visualize your concept of beauty and make other people see extraordinary things around us. PhotoExtreme - is just a way to become crazy for a while and to rock with your friends :) Brainstorming - is an opportunity to develop and to demonstrate your erudition and knowledge.

Finally, taking part in urban games, creating and solving problems, puzzles, tasks and missions bring us an efficient mind and a good health :) You free yourself from your old standards and stop doing everything by rule. That is the way to start finding and inventing right solutions.

For any questions, look at answers, online support and forum. Is everything clear? - Sign up!

TOP 5 Of Crew

(#1) Domain owner maxonikul (6,325.77 points, Domain owner)
(#2) Games Author Resty (4,408.01 points, Games Author)
(#3) Games Author Pivchik (3,344.33 points, Games Author)
(#4) Organizer Chicot I (3,254.07 points, Organizer)
(#5) Games Author shel (2,014.91 points, Games Author)
List of all users of the domain >>>

TOP 5 Teams

(#1) Rádio Macau (3,723.36 points, 6 / Chicot I)
(#2) ДядЕНьки (1,931.75 points, 7 / дядя Серёжа)
(#3) ENтернационал (1,604.51 points, 10 / Казна Ентера)
(#4) Nadoelodoma (547.09 points, 1 / Асечка)
(#5) ЛегENды АргENтины (458.53 points, 6 / Диего Марадона)
List of all teams of the domain >>>

TOP 5 Authors

# Author
1 maxonikul 7.89 8.17 8.04 - - 2.32 - -
2 ПрЫнцecca 7.1 7.4 - - - - - -
3 Chicot I 6.83 5.94 7.16 - 2.88 - - -
4 Женько 6.77 - 5.54 - - 2.95 2.49 -
5 shel 5.59 2.1 7.11 - - - - -
Last photo-galleries

# 46532 / 4/25/2012 / 11:09 PM
For the game (#146) "Игра"
"во время подготовки и чуть с игры)" (43 photos, author EN_girl)

Photo galleries from the domain >>>
The domain staff
Total in project: 909,971 players (list), 152,567 teams (list)
Total in the domain: 678 players (list), 161 teams (list)
Online: 28 guests, 0 players
Recruits for the 24 hours: 0 players

Detailed statistics >>>



Рожи домена







Какпомочь.ру -добровольческая благотворительная организация. Ее специализация - помощь детским домам, приемным семьям, социальным проектам и бедным храмам

6/1/2024 12:38:20 PM
(UTC +3)
EncounterTM Ltd.
2004-2024 ©


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