Game details
Game authors:
fm-Sova, maxonikul
The game complexity factor:
Author's factor of game complexity:
The game quality index:
Scenario availability:
Availible only for players
Game format:
Team (limit 2 people)
The levels passing sequence:
Start of the game:
2/14/2013 9:00:00 PM (UTC +4)
The beginning of the game in your time zone:
(UTC )
The game completion time:
2/15/2013 11:00:00 PM (UTC +4)
Participation fee:4en usd |
Prize fund:
0en usd
(0% from the sum of subscription)
In the game participated:
8 teams (statistics)
Game status:
Game is not available for playing
Responses in the guest book: 60 messages
The list of administrators who actually had access to the scenario:
Steel_Rat, Маруська, fm-Sova, *DiMazZz*, }i{YI{, maxonikul (in detail)
TOP-10 of game
Receiving ratings is over. |
Photo galleries
From game author
Поздравляем любимую команду с 4-хлетием!!!
Игра посвящена людям, играющим в нашей команде.
Все взносы за вычетом 20 енотов пойдут в казну )))
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